Coomera Lodge Hotel
Oxenford QLD
Major renovations at Coomera Lodge Hotel will see several new outdoor areas including a Public Bar Terrace, Bistro Deck & Courtyard, weather-proof outdoor dining, and extensive Beer Garden.
Asset Specifics
17 Killarney Court
Oxenford QLD 4210
Oxenford QLD 4210
Hotel, Restaurant, Bar, Gaming and Convention
Major Tenant
Australian Venue Co Pty Ltd
Major renovations at Coomera Lodge Hotel will see several new outdoor areas including a Public Bar Terrace, Bistro Deck & Courtyard, weather-proof outdoor dining, and extensive Beer Garden.
Asset Specifics
17 Killarney Court
Oxenford QLD 4210
Oxenford QLD 4210
Hotel, Restaurant, Bar, Gaming and Convention
Major Tenant
Australian Venue Co Pty Ltd